Dizem que assistir a um espetáculo de fado fora de Portugal é coisa para puxar as lágrimas. Se vai estar no dia 15 de novembro em Nova Iorque pode aproveitar para assistir a um concerto da fadista Mariza no Carnegie Hall.
Com mais de 30 discos de platina conquistados, Mariza reúne o reconhecimento do público e da crítica. Aplaudida em Portugal e no estrangeiro, recebeu, para além de duas nomeações para os Grammys, importantes galardões como o MIDEM European Boarder Breaker Award ou o prémio da BBC para Melhor Artista Europeia de World Music.
A artista, que tem esgotado algumas das mais prestigiadas salas dos cinco continentes, como a Ópera de Sidney ou Royal Albert Hall, em Londres, regressa ao Carnegie Hall, de Nova Iorque.
Carnegie Hall, Nova Iorque
Dia 15 de novembro, às 20h00
Preços: a partir dos 18 dólares ate 115 dólares

Mariza, the most respected voice of the portuguese Fado nowadays returns to the american stage with a concert at New York’s Carnegie Hall on November 15th.
Mariza’s stunning repertoire pays deep respect to tradition while pushing the sublimely beautiful folk music into intriguing directions. Fado, the rich and emotionally textured musical tradition from Portugal, is a blend of Portuguese folk poetry, Arabic cadences and African and Brazilian rhythms.
With more than 30 platinum records, Mariza is consensually recognized by the public and the critics. Applauded in Portugal and abroad, in addition to three Grammy nominations, she has received several important awards, such as the MIDEM European Boarder Breaker Award and the BBC award for Best European World Music Artist.
Mariza has sold out some of the most prestigious venues in the five continents, such as the Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall in London, New York’s Carnegie Hall, Lisbon Coliseum and the Hollywood Bowl, as well as appearing in Carlos Saura’s film, Fados.
She was the first fado singer to guest on Late Night with David Letterman. This is a great opportunity to showcase Fado, the urban popular song of Portugal which was inscribed in 2011 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Tickets on sale at CarnegieCharge (212-247-7800), or online at carnegiehall.org.
Prices range from $18 to $115. Mariza, the greatest Diva of Fado November 15th at 8.00 p.m.
Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium/Perelman